Kyoto Model Course

World Heritage Sites -A-

It's great fun to visit temples, shrines, and their beautiful landscaped gardens that are designated World Heritage Sites. Keihan Railway is very convenient to tour this course.
(Bus service is availble from Keihan Demachiyanagi to Kamigamo-jinja Shrine.)

Restaurants dot Byodoin-temple and Ujikami-shrine area.
Try greentea buckwheat noodles and greantea dumplings.
Hanayashiki Ukifune-en: A steak restaurant, a chinese restaurant,
and a BBQ restaurant are on the premises. Phone: 0774-21-2126
In the neighborhood of Kiyomizi-dera Temple, there are many Kyoto
cuisine restaurants and sweets shops.
Kasagiya: Ohagi(a kind of dumpling) sells well.

Shoyei-do: Incense. Established in 1705. Near Nijo-jo Castle.
Phone: 075-212-5590
Hyoutan-ya: Established in Mid 19th century.
The shop, sells gords, is located along Sannen-zaka Slope on the
way to Kiyomizu-tera Temple.

You'll be greatly satisfied with beautiful landscape and unique culture while strolling around this area.