Hyogo Model Course

Himeji Castle-Ako Hot Spring

Himeji Castle, one-hour drive away from downtown Kobe, has kept its original form over 400 years and it's registered as one of UNESCO World Heritage sites.
For more than 400 years, Higashimaru Shoyu in Tatuno-city has been producing thin soy sauce which is indispensable for Japanese cuisine. Exhibits at Higashimaru Shoyu tells you the history of Japanese food culture.
Ako-city boasts its rich natural environment being surrounded by the sea, a clear stream, and mountains. Among many historic spots is Museum of History where you can learn about famous 47 loyal Samurai and also local salt fields.
Ako Misaki is recommended as one of 100 most beautiful sunset sites.

- Spring and summer: Various kinds of fresh fish
Autumn and winter: Fresh oyster and crab.
Nishimuraya: Crab dishes. Phone: 0792-85-3939
Sohmen-no-sato: Thin noodles. Phone: 0791-65-9000
Ako-city :
Kuidohraku: Seafood. Phone: 0791-46-8800
Gimpasoh: Japanese cuisine, buckwheat noodles. Phone: 0791-45-3355

- Himeji-city:
Takadanobaba: Phone: 079-222-2505
Higashimaru Shoyu: Soy sauce. Phone: 0791-63-4567
- Ako-city:
- Tomoeya: Phone: 0791-42-2470
- Gimpasoh: Phone: 0791-42-3455
- Kangawa:Local confectionery. Phone: 0791-45-2222
- Miyazaki Shokuen: Grilled salt. Phone: 0791-42-2013
- Umeda Shoten: Seafood. Phone: 0791-43-7117

- Yukata (kimono for summer) Festival: June22-24 Phone: 0792-21-2512
- Vendor stands: June 3/4 Phone: 0791-21-2513
Ako Misaki Sakura Festival: April1-10 Phone: 0791-42-2602
47 Loyal Samurai Festival: December14. Phone: 0791-43-6839
Orange Picking: End/October to End/November. Phone: 0791-42-2651
For information call Himeji Tourist Bureau : Phone 079-222-2285 >click here
Ako Tourist Bureau : Phone: 0791-42-2602 >click here